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+ (123) 1800-453-1546

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For Any emergency case please Don’t hesitate to contact us 

+90 552 533 66 33
+90 212 589 33 33


Opening Hours

Monday - Sunday ( 24 Hours / 7 Days )

Know more About
Healing Consulting

We specialize in treating the following diseases:

General, laparoscopic and gynecological diseases

Treatment of cancerous diseases of all kinds and methods.

Vitro Fertilization.

Obesity operations.

Organ transplantation (such as kidney transplantation )

Heart disease treatment and surgery.

All eye operations and eye correction.


Best Services
Baby Tube

Other Surgeries

a child produced from an egg that was fertilized outside of a woman’s body and then put back into the woman’s body to finish developing.


Best Services
Liver transplant

Organ Transplant Operations

A liver transplant is surgery to remove your diseased or injured liver and replace it with a healthy liver from another person, called a donor.


Best Services
Kidney transplant

Organ Transplant Operations

A kidney transplant is a surgical procedure to place a healthy kidney from a living or deceased donor into a person whose kidneys no longer function properly.


Corneal transplantation

Organ Transplant Operations

Corneal transplantation, is a surgical procedure where a damaged or diseased cornea is replaced by donated corneal tissue.


Bone marrow transplant

Organ Transplant Operations

A procedure in which a patient receives healthy stem cells to replace their own stem cells that have been destroyed …

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    Healing Consulting offers a warm and comfortable environment with excellent experience in aesthetic

    ✔ Best Stuff

    ✔ Best Hospitals

    ✔ Best Service

    Liver transplantation in Turkey annually
    Kidney transplantation in Turkey annually
    % Of transplants depend on live donors

    Contact us for more information or book an appointment

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