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March 2021

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Many people suffer from strabismus, or crossed eyes that affects their vision and aesthetic appearance. In this article, Healing Consulting is providing you with what you need to know about strabismus, its causes, strabismus eye surgery and other related treatments. Strabismus

Breast surgery is widely performed as a treatment for various breast diseases affecting women. Moreover, this surgery is efficient at removing tumors, treating breast abscess, and treating breast cysts. In the following article, Healing Consulting provides you with all what

The digestive process of food is represented in the function of the liver, biliary tracts, and gallbladder which all produce, transport and store bile that assists in digesting and metabolizing food in the body. The metabolic function is completed as

The small intestine is an important part of the digestive system in the human body; it is responsible for absorbing water and digested food supplying it to the blood, in addition to its role in removing waste out of the

Interventional radiology is a medical subspecialty that depends on using modern surgical techniques while performing surgeries. Diseases, treated using medical imaging guidance as in x-rays, and methods of application are various. Moreover, Healing Consulting provides you with all what you

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