An Overview about Ophthalmic Operations
Medicine knew the first eye surgery, according to ancient medical texts, in 1800 BC. Thanks to the tremendous technological progress in our life, obtaining positive and satisfactory results after performing all types of eye operation has become guaranteed in global
Everything about Surgical Procedures
Surgical procedures that are also known as common surgeries include operations of stomach, abdominal, breast, thyroid, and others. Moreover, in this article, surgical procedures along with major surgeries and minor ones will be reviewed in details. Thanks to the recent
Everything to Know about Obesity Operations
Everyone desires to have an attractive fit body or always stay in shape. To achieve this end and avoid being overweight, people tend to exercise or follow a healthy diet. On the other hand, World Health Organization statistics show that
An Overview about Types of Neurosurgery
Neurosurgery or neurological surgery is one of the most important medical specialties that is concerned in treating diseases of the central nervous system, in other words, treating diseases affecting the brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerves. Types of neurosurgery are clarified
An Overview about Orthopedic Surgery Methods
Orthopedic surgery is one of the most important specialties in the field of surgical medicine. Moreover, orthopedics and joint medication both deal with diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system. Healing Consulting provides the following information on orthopedic surgery methods
An Overview about Treatment of Tumors
Over the past century, medical scientists have been busy searching for therapeutic solutions that save humanity from various types of cancers and help medical centers secure effective cancer drugs and treatments. Today, after doing intensive and profound research and scientific
All to Know about Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery
The important function of the heart is pumping oxygen-bearing blood to all parts of the body. Cardiac surgery includes a set of surgeries that are performed on the heart muscle, valves, or blood vessels. Healing Consulting provides you with all
An overview about Organ Transplantation Surgery Types
Organ transplantation procedures are among the most prominent surgeries in modern medicine. Moreover, any organ transplantation surgery is carried out through transferring or replacing an organ or tissues with another as a result of failure of the replaced organ to