Everything about bone marrow procedure
Bone marrow is a tissue where all red blood cells, white ones, and blood platelets exist, and it is the place for their production. It is also found mainly in the body’s long bones and in others but with less density than that of long bones. Moreover, the process of creating blood elements can be through stem cells or precursor cells that turn into red and white blood cells. However, there are diseases affecting the bone marrow some of which require bone marrow procedure which will be discussed in the following article.

Reasons for Bone Marrow Transplant
Bone marrow transplant is a stem cell procedure that aims to replace the damaged stem cells and restore their normal function of producing blood. Generally, bone marrow transplant is performed for the following reasons:
- Leukemia
- Congenital or acquired hemolytic anemia
- Genetic defect in blood production, or inherited blood disorder as in thalassemia and sickle cell anemia
- Autoimmune diseases
- Treating cases of damage or destruction of the bone marrow due to chemotherapy and radiotherapy for cancer diseases, especially leukemia or lymphoma.

Bone Marrow Procedure
Also known as stem cell transplantation which is a surgical procedure by which damaged or diseased bone marrow is replaced due disease, infection or chemotherapy. It is performed by implanting new blood stem cells that are transferred to bone marrow areas to produce new blood cells and promote the growth of new bone marrow.

Bone Marrow Transplant Surgical Process
Although the term “surgery” is used whenever mentioning this type of Transplant ,it is simpler than a surgical work as it does not require anesthesia since the bone marrow is transported to the patient’s body in a manner similar to the method of blood transfusion or medication .i.e. through an IV catheter, and the transplanted bone marrow is obtained either by healthy stem cells from the patient’s body and replanting them, or by obtaining stem cells from a donor from the patient’s blood relatives or even from a stranger after performing bone marrow examination and blood tests to ensure the match. Moreover, the marrow is implanted into the patient’s bone by the use of bone marrow aspiration needle that’s why this procedure is known as bone marrow puncture procedure.
Life after Bone Marrow Transplant
The patient stays in the hospital for a period of time to recover and conduct some medical tests to ensure the success of the transplant, while the transplanted stem cells, after reaching the bone marrow, reproduce new blood cells that improve the physical health of the patient who needs to keep having prescribed medications by the doctor or transfusing blood regularly to help the bone marrow recover.

In conclusion, remember that bone marrow is the generator of blood cells in your body, and the need for having bone marrow aspiration procedure by our personnel at Healing Consulting is one of the factors that improve the health of your body.
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