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Breast surgery and everything want to know about it

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Breast surgery and everything want to know about it

Breast surgery is widely performed as a treatment for various breast diseases affecting women. Moreover, this surgery is efficient at removing tumors, treating breast abscess, and treating breast cysts. In the following article, Healing Consulting provides you with all what you need to know about breast surgeries.

Breast surgery

Types of Breast Surgery

Breast Lumpectomy

Breast lumpectomy or mastectomy is a breast tumor surgery performed to remove either breast benign while preserving breast tissue, or malignant tumors resulting in removing the breast and the surrounding lymph nodes. Moreover, lumpectomy procedure can be an independent treatment for cancer or adjunct treatment to chemotherapy or radiation therapy as in lumpectomy and radiation procedure.

Breast Abscess Treatment

Breast abscesses occur due to breastfeeding resulting in an infection, along with the accumulation of pus. These signs cause a lot of pain, swelling, redness, and warmth in the infected breast. It is worth noting that witnessing theses signs requires treatment in which the abscess is drained. Moreover, a surgery is also performed to treat breast chronic inflammatory cases.

Breast surgery

Breast Cysts Surgery

 Breast cysts appear most commonly in premenopausal women. These cysts are fluid-filled sacs inside the breast which gradually increase in their size during the monthly menstrual period but gradually decreases or treated with medicines. However, the frequent occurrence of large cysts containing blood tinged fluid in the breasts increases the risk of breast lumpectomyif left untreated or removed. Therefore, this surgery becomes extremely needed.

lumpectomy and radiation

Briefly, regardless of the breast procedure type that women with breast diseases undergo, they should apply all necessary post- operative instructions to speed up recovery.
As your health is our priority, our medical team, at Healing Consulting, makes great efforts to provide patients with best medical care before and after all breast surgeries. We also offer our free consulting service to all patients, so don’t hesitate to contact us.

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