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Organ transplant

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Bone marrow is a tissue where all red blood cells, white ones, and blood platelets exist, and it is the place for their production. It is also found mainly in the body's long bones and in others but with less

Have you ever wondered about Renal transplantation procedure or a robotic kidney transplant one and their conditions? What are the procedure-leading causes? The answers to these questions, along with the conditions in which a patient might live after kidney transplant

The liver is one of the most essential organs of the human body because of its digestive function; however, is it possible to replace an affected liver with a healthy one? What is liver transplant procedure, its causes and conditions?

Organ transplantation procedures are among the most prominent surgeries in modern medicine. Moreover, any organ transplantation surgery is carried out through transferring or replacing an organ or tissues with another as a result of failure of the replaced organ to