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inguinal hernia repair surgery and all about it

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inguinal hernia repair surgery

inguinal hernia repair surgery and all about it

The risk of developing an inguinal hernia increases in middle-aged and elderly males where a part of the intestine indulges through a weak spot in the abdominal muscles causing intestinal swelling outside the inguinal canal in the area of the upper leg. Inguinal hernia incidence also increases with advancing age. Moreover, hemorrhoids, swollen veins in the anus, occur due to lifting heavy objects, pregnancy, or chronic diarrhea which cause a lot of pain. However, will having a surgical procedure be a solution to both diseases? Healing Consulting provides patients, suffering from these diseases, with necessary information about inguinal hernia repair surgery and Hemorrhoidectomy surgery in the following article.

stapled hemorrhoidectomy

Inguinal Hernia Repair Surgery

Also known as inguinal hernia operation, it is performed as a treatment that helps alleviate painful symptoms of inguinal hernia, such as swelling, nausea, and vomiting.  Some cases of inguinal hernia cause inguinal canal obstruction and blockage of blood flow to the small intestine which are considered life-threatening health conditions that necessitate inguinal hernia surgery and other related treatments. 

Inguinal Hernia Repair Surgery Process

The surgery is performed in two ways: either by an open surgery carried out under general anesthesia while making an incision that allows the surgeon to get the prolapsed part of the intestine back into its normal position, or by endoscopic surgery creating small surgical incisions where a laparoscope is used to return the inguinal canal or groin to its normal position and to treat intestinal obstruction.

inguinal hernia repair surgery

Hemorrhoidectomy Surgery

Hemorrhoid surgery is performed as a treatment for internal hemorrhoids. Similarly, it is used to treat external ones that cause severe pains, anal itching, irritation, and anal bleeding.  

Hemorrhoid Surgical Process

If hemorrhoids are not treated by medications, performing the surgery becomes necessary with considering the decision of the specialized doctor. Furthermore, stapled Hemorrhoidectomy is applied under anesthesia to cut and remove anal hemorrhoid and its vascular tissue. In addition, endoscopic surgery and laser beams are also reliably applied to remove both internal and external hemorrhoids.

inguinal hernia repair surgery

In brief, both previously-mentioned operations require a hospital stay after surgery for proper medical care, along with following a healthy diet.
It is worth noting that Healing Consulting medical team provides patients with the best medical care before and after the operation. Healing Consulting also offers its free consulting service to all patients. Therefore, do not hesitate to contact us.

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