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ir procedure and All Information you Need about it

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ir procedure

ir procedure and All Information you Need about it

Interventional radiology is a medical subspecialty that depends on using modern surgical techniques while performing surgeries. Diseases, treated using medical imaging guidance as in x-rays, and methods of application are various. Moreover, Healing Consulting provides you with all what you should know about IR procedure and neurointerventional radiology.

vascular interventional radiology

IR Procedure

Interventional radiology refers to a medical specialty that includes performing a set of imaging procedures to take images of the inside of the body.  It is performed as a diagnostic and minimally invasive surgical procedure replacing an open surgery for treating many diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases, benign and malignant tumors, or liver and prostate diseases. Interventional radiology is also used as an effective treatment for disorders of the spinal cord nerves including the head and neck nerves.  Therefore, interventional radiology procedures have been proved efficient at accurately diagnosing diseases, reducing their risks, and improving patient’s health.

ir procedure

Benefits of Interventional Radiology

Applying interventional radiology has become significantly an important medical breakthrough, as it results in an effective treatment for diseases. Another benefit is that it is applied accurately in some medical procedures without creating surgical incisions, which let the patient avoid having the fear of undergoing open surgeries and complications of general anesthesia. Consequently, depending on interventional radiology application relieves the pain caused by having a surgery, along with speeding up the period of recovery. Furthermore, aesthetic interventional surgery is also recommended, as it is performed without creating surgical scars.

ir procedure

Applications of Interventional Radiology ” IR procedure “

Interventional radiology is used to accurately diagnose and treat diseases depending on various techniques of image guidance, such as magnetic resonance imaging as in diagnosing and targeting brain tumors, along with using ultrasound, computed tomography, and X-rays to detect other cancer cases, apart from being a minimally invasive surgery. Furthermore, this surgical technique is based on using a needle called a catheter instead of making large incisions in the body as in traditional surgery; this needle is inserted through the veins or arteries in cardiovascular operations.

ir procedure

Moreover, imaging and angioplasty or catheterization are methods of applying interventional radiotherapy for the treatment of the prostate, as well as using adaptive pulse repetition frequency technique as a method of interventional radiology for treating liver diseases. Other methods of applying this technique are the use of endoscopy as in gastric sleeve surgery and cholecystostomy and the use of interventional rays to visualize peripheral nerve injuries or tumors that affect the whole nervous system. Therefore, relying on Emory interventional radiology is significant for an accurate diagnosis of diseases and effective treatment.
It is also worth noting that Healing Consulting interventional radiologists exert tremendous efforts to provide patients with safe vascular interventional radiology procedures and the best medical care. We also offer our free consulting service to all patients requiring more information about IR hospitals and interventional radiography for treating diseases. Therefore, don’t hesitate to contact us.

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