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Keratoconus Treatment and All about it

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Keratoconus Treatment and All about it

The cornea is the transparent part of the eye that bends and focuses light, and it covers a portion of the eyes and protects them from germs and microbes. However, whenever this part is exposed to infectious diseases, especially keratoconus disease, its main function will be impeded, which necessitates performing surgery. In this article, Healing Consulting provides you with all what you need to know about keratoconus treatment and its surgical process.

swollen cornea

Keratoconus Treatment

Also known as corneal cross-linking, it is a surgical procedure that is performed in order to treat corneal degeneration or corneal disorders; Specifically, Keratoconus that occurs when the cornea thins out and bulges as a cone or when having a swollen cornea resulting in vision impairment, which requires performing keratoconus treatment to maintain healthy vision.

keratoconus treatment

Keratoconus Treatment Surgical Process

Keratoconus surgeryis a relatively simple procedure, preceded by only some eye examinations, particularly to determine or measure the affected cornea, its thickness, and the extent of visual impairment, followed by using riboflavin eye drops with vitamin B2, along with using local anesthesia drops with the possibility of applying general anesthesia to both children and hypersensitive patients. After that, UV radiation is applied to create and strengthen the links between collagen fibers within the cornea which results in stabilizing its shape.

Post-Operative Instructions

After the surgery, the patient’s eyes become red and more sensitive to light. Similar to any surgical operation, the patient has to follow post-operative instructions, as well as having prescribed medications and using eye drops on time. It is also important for the patient to avoid rubbing the eyes. Furthermore, the patients needs to wear sunglasses when exposing to sunlight.

keratoconus treatment

In brief, keratoconus surgery is a minimally invasive medical procedure that treats the cornea of ​​the eye and restores its shape and function, which saves the patient from corneal degeneration that might result in performing cornea transplant surgery if it is left untreated.  
It is also worth noting that Healing Consulting medical team exerts tremendous efforts to provide the best health care and medical instructions to patients. We also offer our free consulting service to patients, so don’t hesitate to contact us.

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