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Digestive System and liver surgeries

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Digestive System and liver surgeries

The digestive process of food is represented in the function of the liver, biliary tracts, and gallbladder which all produce, transport and store bile that assists in digesting and metabolizing food in the body. The metabolic function is completed as the pancreas produces insulin to regulate the level of sugar in the blood. However, if these organs become affected by diseases, will performing surgery be the best solution? Healing Consulting provides you with all what you need to know about biliary, gallbladder, pancreatic, and liver surgeries in the following article.


Types of Digestive System and liver surgeries

Liver Surgeries

Liver operations are typically performed as a treatment for both benign and malignant tumors that affect the liver. Moreover, this operation is performed through a surgical incision in the abdomen whereby a part of the liver is removed and the other part regrows as cells regenerate allowing the liver to get back into its normal size or shape. In other cases, the patient undergoes liver resection that is followed by a healthy liver transplant.

liver surgeries

Biliary Tract Surgery

This surgery is performed as a treatment for diseases that affect the bile ducts or biliary tracts as these diseases prevent them from performing their function in transporting bile into the intestine as a result of a congenital defect as in the disease of biliary atresia which results in cirrhosis of the liver that can be life threatening. This operation treats biliary tracts infections and removes bile duct stones which could cause blockage of the duct. Furthermore, this surgery has an effective role in fighting bile duct cancer.

Gallbladder Operations

Gallbladder operations are performed as a treatment for gallstones which are hard deposits of digestive fluid or fat causing severe pains in the abdomen. Additionally, the operation is carried out by removing the diseased gallbladder; a treatment that totally alleviates the pain.

liver surgeries

Pancreatic Operations

 Whipple procedure is a treatment for diseases affecting the pancreas, disrupting its normal function as a digestive gland, or affecting its work as an endocrine gland secreting insulin to regulate blood sugar. This surgery is performed for a variety of purposes. It could be a treatment for chronic pancreatitis that is not treated by medicines, a treatment for pancreatic cysts, or a treatment for pancreatic cancer in which a tumor is removed.
Briefly, it is worth noting that laparoscopic surgery is also considered when diagnosing diseases of the liver, gallbladder, bile ducts, and pancreas. X-rays or computed tomography are also used, in addition to other modern surgical techniques.

liver surgeries

It is also worth noting that our surgeons, at Healing Consulting, perform safe hepatectomy or liver operations including liver transplant. They also perform biliary, gallbladder, and pancreatic ones. Additionally, we offer our free consulting service to our patients, so don’t hesitate to contact us.

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