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Everything to Know about Obesity Operations

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Everything to Know about Obesity Operations

Everyone desires to have an attractive fit body or always stay in shape. To achieve this end and avoid being overweight, people tend to exercise or follow a healthy diet.  On the other hand, World Health Organization statistics show that obesity worldwide has doubled in recent years. Moreover, obesity negative aspects are not only aesthetic or psychological ones but also harmful to health, such as blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and joint pain. Healing Consulting provides you with all needed information about causes of obesity and obesity operations that you may want to know.

Types of Obesity Operations

Balloon Gastric Procedure

Balloon gastric procedure is abariatric surgery type used to remove excess weight and treat obesity problems. Although the term procedure is used, it is still a treatment- like-procedure in which upper gastrointestinal endoscopy, filled with liquid, is inserted into the mouth and directed to the stomach. The point of this treatment is to reduce the size of the stomach for the feeling of hunger to be reduced. Moreover, the balloon is kept in the patient’s stomach for no more than 9 months, during which the patient loses excess weight, then the balloon is removed, allowing the patient to enjoy having a nice body without undergoing a serious surgery…Read-More

Stomach Botox

Who has not heard of Botox injections yet? However, does stomach Botox sound familiar to you?
Botox has exceeded cosmetology to reach bariatric surgery in away revolutionizing obesity typical surgeries. Stomach botox treatment requires the use of an oral endoscope to inject Botox into the stomach muscles, which causes them to be temporarily paralyzed causing the stomach to digest food slowly; in other words, creating a delay in the feeling of hunger and increasing the feeling of a full stomach. Moreover, stomach Botox outcomes last for 6 months during which extra weight is significantly lost…Read-More

obesity operations

Gastric Banding Procedure

Gastric banding procedure is one of the most common bariatric surgery types; it is performed by using an endoscope to place a strap or belt over the upper part of the stomach which reduces its size and limits the amount of food consumed and eases losing weight. Furthermore, enlarging or narrowing the band is possibly done by injecting it with a medical solution depending on the amount of weight loss…Read-More

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Sleeve Gastrectomy Procedure

Sleeve gastrectomy procedure is among the most common obesity solutions in the United States of America. More than half of overweight surgeries are performed by sleeve gastrectomy. Moreover, this Bariatric surgery includes the removal of up to 80% of the stomach volume using an endoscope with having general anesthesia. In this procedure, the remaining part of the stomach takes the shape of a sleeve that aims to reduce the size of stomach and food amount for the point of having a significant up to 70% weight loss in one year…Read-More

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Roux En Y Procedure

Roux en procedure, also known as gastric bypass surgery, is one of obesity operations that ensures weight loss surgically by dividing the stomach into two parts, one of which forms a pocket in which food is stored and the other lower one, as in the procedure of sleeve gastrectomy, reduces its size. The next phase of the procedure includes changing the path of food transmission so that the previously formed pocket will be connected to middle part of the small intestine, and thus food bypasses the lower part of the stomach and the first half of the intestine in a way that reduces the absorption of food and contributes to the loss of excess weight…Read-More

obesity operations

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We believe that every working day is a new day of caring, so do not hesitate to visit us; we are ready to help you reach the ideal body shape you always dream of.

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