An Overview about Orthopedic Surgery Methods
Orthopedic surgery is one of the most important specialties in the field of surgical medicine. Moreover, orthopedics and joint medication both deal with diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system. Healing Consulting provides the following information on orthopedic surgery methods and other orthopedic treatment- related to issues.

Orthopedic Surgery Methods
Hand Operation
Hand operation is one of orthopedic surgery methods ,it’s treats the far end of the upper limb, such as arm surgery, finger fractures, tendon repair, peripheral nerve surgery, wrist treatment, in addition to cosmetic surgery that improves the appearance of the hand. Orthopedic surgery also involves elbow and shoulder surgery, such as rotator cuff tear and frozen shoulder repairs, shoulder dislocation and elbow repair; this is performed by restoring the bones to their normal position or replacing the shoulder and elbow totally by replacing the damaged parts with artificial bone tissues. Furthermore, hand operation surgery is performed by incision or arthroscopy under general anesthesia…Read-More

Joint Replacement Surgery
Surgeons of orthopedics and joint replacement surgery treat cases of joint degeneration disease which is common among the elderly. Moreover, joint replacement surgery is performed by replacing the damaged joint with an artificial one made of metal, plastic or silicone…Read-More

Pediatric Orthopedic Surgery
Orthopedics or Ortho therapy originated in 1741 by the French doctor Nicolas Andre. In his book he focused on treating problems of the bone system in children. Moreover, pediatric orthopedic surgery as an orthopedic surgery type includes all treatments for those under the age of 18, in addition to bone tissue transplants to support bone growth and repair congenital bone deformities for those in their childhood and adolescence…Read-More

Spine Surgery
Orthopedics interferes with the neurosurgery through types of spine surgery as it consists of a group of bony vertebrae through which the spinal cord passes. Moreover, spinal operations include correction of herniated disc cases, correction of spinal curvatures, as in scoliosis and humps, and the fusion of the vertebrae together through bone tissue transplantation or by metal that helps stabilize the spine or remove part of the vertebrae to expand the spinal canal and remove pressure off the spinal cord, which makes this surgery a neurosurgery as well…Read-More

Orthopedic Oncology Surgery ( Osteomas Surgery )
Tumors types that affect the bone vary; they are either benign that are most common in cases of bone tissue and weaken the bones and cause fractures, or malignant that damage the normal bone tissue and spread throughout the body. However, the treatment to both types includes surgical procedures or what is known as orthopedic oncology surgery to remove the entire tumor along with the endings of the surrounding tissues as a safety distance. Then, the reformation of the removed part is applied through the synthesis of functional artificial or autologous tissues or by the recycling of bone after medical treatment…Read-More

Sports Ortho
Sports medicine as a sub specialty of orthopedic treatment is concerned with treating athletes’ injuries and helping them maintain their bodies’ health in cases of extensive injuries, such as fractures, sprains, tendinitis, and over training syndrome. Moreover, Olympic Games statistics have shown that more than half of athletes’ injuries are in lower limbs. These injuries are anterior cruciate ligament injuries and knee injuries, such as cartilage damage. Therefore, performing a surgery or sports ortho is recommended in search of the best solution to treat the injured players as quickly as possible and maintain their safety at the same time…Read-More

Accident and Injury Surgeries
The importance of accident and injury surgeries has increased significantly to become a sub- specialty in some countries, such as the United States of America, especially for orthopedists. However, in cases of not being performed within a proper timely manner or not treated in elective orthopaedics, it could lead to limb amputation, organ damage, neurological disability, loss of function. Moreover, accident and injury surgeries are the ideal treatment to accidents that require rapid intervention in hospital emergency departments as in traffic accidents and falls…Read-More

Be confident that our team of doctors and surgeons at Healing Consulting are ready to answers all you inquiries about any orthopedic surgery that you need at any time.
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