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All about Robotic Surgery for Heart

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robotic surgery for heart

All about Robotic Surgery for Heart

Technological advances have had a positive impact on all aspects of our life, and medicine is not an exception in which the effect of technology can be clearly seen in using it to perform various surgeries. In this article, Healing Consulting is providing you with all necessary information about the robotic surgery for heart and other related issues.

heart aneurysm repair

Robotic Surgery for Heart

Also known as Da Vinci Surgery, robot open heart surgery is a minimally invasive cardiac surgery in which the surgeon uses robotic arms, which control the surgical instruments and thus replacing an open heart surgery or any traditional surgical procedure.

Causes of Robotic Surgery for Heart

There are many reasons for performing such a surgery. It can be an alternative procedure to traditional heart operations conducted to treat heart diseases as in clogged and hardened arteries, or coronary artery diseases in general.  Heart valves can also be a reason for surgeons to perform it, along with its usefulness in treating cases of congenital heart defects (CHD), especially in young people. This surgery can also be the best treatment for heart rhythm disturbances, which are signs of atrial fibrillation.

robotic surgery for heart

Benefits of Robotic Heart Surgery

CABG robotic surgery is mainly performed as a treatment for heart diseases and their signs, especially chest pain and shortness of breath. Thus, it prevents the occurrence of heart attacks or heart problems. This procedure is based on using modern technology for heart aneurysm repair or repairing arteries, replacing damaged valves, treating congenital heart defects, or treating irregular heartbeat. Regardless of the treatment purpose, the decision to perform robotic heart surgery is taken according to the supervising physician and based on an accurate diagnosis of the disease. Furthermore, robotic heart surgery is a reliable option for modern hospitals in most countries, especially in the United States of America due to the ease and accuracy of this surgical procedure.

robotic surgery for heart

The Surgical Process

The patient undergoes some medical examinations, which are typically required for most cardiac operations, before having this procedure that requires general anesthesia and starts with making small incisions, along with using a heart-lung machine, followed by using several robotic arms, equipped with a video camera, to provide an accurate three-dimensional image of the position of the heart. At this phase, the surgeon conducts the operation while directing the arms through an automatic controller in the operating room. Finally, the robotic arms are pulled out of the body and the incision is closed.

robotic surgery for heart

In brief, robotic surgery for heart provides heart patients with better health, speedy recovery, less pain, and lighter scars. It is also worth noting that Healing Consulting has been striving to cope with the most technological advances in medicine, especially those used in cardiac surgery, which our medical team has relied on to safely perform robotic heart surgery as an efficient treatment for most heart diseases. We also offer our free consulting service to all patients who might have inquires about any related treatment, therefore, do not hesitate to contact us.

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