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Stomach Botox and All Information about it

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Stomach Botox and All Information about it

Recently, there have been many known types of weight-loss operations. Moreover, the use of botox injections is no longer limited to the maintenance of a youthful appearance by lifting the skin or removing wrinkles, but it is reliable now in achieving other aesthetic purposes as in losing weight and having a slim body. In this article, Healing Consulting provides you with what you should know about weight-loss by stomach botox procedure.

botox in stomach for weight loss

Stomach Botox

Belly botox is a modern surgical technique used in operations performed for removing excess fat. Furthermore, stomach botox, or gastric botox procedure is useful for obese patients who are not able to lose weight by following diets or doing sports.  

Gastric Botox Surgical Process

The patient needs to follow some preparatory medical instructions before having gastric botox procedure, such as abstaining from food or taking certain medicines on the night before the operation. During the operation, which requires inhalation anesthesia, the surgeon uses endoscope, which is a tube inserted through the throat passing the esophagus to reach the stomach. The tube is equipped with a camera and a needle filled with an accurate proportion of botox injected into stomach wall, which relaxes its muscles and prevents it from contracting and pushing food towards the intestine. Botox is also injected into the vagus nerve, which is responsible for the feel of hunger; the nerve that travels from the brain to the abdomen. In fact, stomach botox injection treatment is a relatively simple medical procedure, or minimally invasive surgery that is performed within half an hour without the need for a hospital stay. Additionally, the patient is able to eat and drink immediately after the anesthesia wears off.

stomach botox

Stomach Botox for Weight-Loss

Botox in stomach for weight loss is a useful procedure after which the stomach takes a reasonably longer time to digest the food, resulting in reducing the feel of hunger, which helps the patient to lose weight gradually up to approximately 30 kilograms within six months after the operation time. In addition, losing much more weight is possible by following a healthy, balanced diet and doing exercises. The procedure of botox in stomach for weight loss can also be re-performed after six-months of performing the first botox procedure.

stomach botox

In short, gastric botox procedure helps obese patients to rapidly lose weight while reducing the risk of undergoing other open surgeries performed for the same purpose: losing weight.  
It is also worth noting that Healing Consulting medical team makes tremendous efforts to provide patients with efficient stomach botox procedures to help them get their well-desired body shape. We also offer our free consulting service to answer all inquiries about all weight-loss- procedures. Therefore, do not hesitate to contact us.

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