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Everything about Surgical Procedures

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Surgical Procedures

Everything about Surgical Procedures

Surgical procedures that are also known as common surgeries include operations of stomach, abdominal, breast, thyroid, and others. Moreover, in this article, surgical procedures along with major surgeries and minor ones will be reviewed in details. Thanks to the recent technical progress in medicine, surgeons are able to perform common laparoscopic surgeries known as one-day surgeries which allow patients to leave the hospital after recovery from anesthesia; therefore, they are the simplest type of surgeries; in other words, they are classified as minor surgeries. However, intermediate-risk surgeries and major surgeries require longer time due to large incisions which necessitate a longer post-operative recovery period. Below is all needed information about general and laparoscopic types of surgery.

Types of Surgical Procedures

Stomach Operations

There are many medical reasons that encourage surgeons to perform gastric or stomach operations. One of these reasons is to remove a tumor from the stomach as in treatment of chronic stomach ulcers. Another common reason is to treat obesity problems like in gastric banding and gastric sleeve surgeries that aim to reduce stomach size by cutting a portion of it and thus, reducing the feeling of hunger or change the way of absorbing food as in gastric bypass surgery…Read-More

Esophageal Operations

Esophageal operation begins with identifying an esophagus problem in a patient by performing an endoscopy to find out the disease type. Moreover, a biopsy can be taken and analyzed in case of tumors. Then, surgeons perform the surgery in which a part of the esophagus is removed followed by esophagus reconstruction by using tissues from the stomach or from the small or large intestine. This surgical procedure might be performed to treat gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) which is one of the most common diseases that occurs as a result of function failure of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) which is a long-term condition where acid from the stomach comes up into the esophagus causing heartburn and severe pain. In such a case, the surgeon wraps down Esophagus with parts of stomach tissue to enhance its role. Esophagus operations are carried out using general or endoscopic surgery depending on the doctor’s diagnosis of the patient’s medical condition…Read-More

Small Bowel Resection

The function of the small intestine is to dispose of the body’s waste and absorb nutrients. However, having a tumor or blockage in it may prompt doctors to recommend performing an operation known as small bowl resection to remove its affected part and connect the remaining parts to each other, or it may require another surgical procedure which is to implant the small intestine for people who suffer from small bowel syndrome or the ones who removed part of the intestine due to tumor cases. Moreover, the operation is performed by replacing the damaged part with healthy intestinal parts from a donor, and it requires a reasonably long stay in the hospital after the operation to ensure that the intestine performs its normal function…Read-More

Surgical Procedures

Liver Surgeries

Liver surgeries in most cases aim to treat benign or malignant liver tumors or treat congenital liver diseases. Furthermore, types of liver surgery include: excision, electric perforation, and ablation .i.e. heating the cancer cells at very high temperatures.
As for bile duct obstruction surgery, it is either performed to treat congenital biliary atresia that causes a bile that remains in the liver which requires an immediate treatment, otherwise, it leads to liver cirrhosis that requires a new liver transplant or performing a surgery to eradicate the bile duct tumors, treat their chronic inflammation, or remove gallstones from the whole bile duct.
Doctors recommend this surgery to treat the gallbladder when the patient suffers from great pain as a result of the formation of stones in the gallbladder or in the bile duct. Moreover, it can be performed when the patient suffers from inflammation of the gallbladder or pancreas…Read-More

Surgical Procedures

Thyroid Gland Operations

There are many reasons that prompt surgeons to perform thyroid gland operations for patients, such as doubling of the size of the gland, the emergence of a benign or malignant tumor in the gland, an overactive gland, and the appearance of gland cysts.
The main types of thyroid gland operations are complete excision, half resection of the gland, complete excision with maintaining tissues, and the removal of the central part of the gland.
Regarding surgical consequences, a change in the voice might be noticed, however, it returns to its normal state after few weeks of the surgery…Read-More

Surgical Procedures

Breast Surgery

Women’s fears of undergoing breast surgery did not stop it from being performed. Studies have shown that the percentage of women who undergo breast surgery has increased.
Breast surgery is divided into
1. Therapeutic breast procedures, which are mastectomy, benign or cancerous mass excision, milk duct resection, and surgical breast biopsy.
2. Aesthetic breast surgery, including breast reduction or enlargement, breast lift, and breast fixation…Read-More

Surgical Procedures

Inguinal Hernia Repair Surgery

An inguinal hernia is a painful bulge that contains fat and parts of the small intestine. The bulge is located in the lower abdominal wall at the top of the thigh causing pain which increases when it turns into a strangulated inguinal hernia which makes it a life-threatening condition due to intestinal ischemia that requires a surgery. Inguinal hernia repair surgery is divided into general open surgery and laparoscopic surgery. However, choosing the appropriate type depends on the size of the hernia and age of the case…Read-More

Surgical Procedures

Healing Consulting Hospitals, thanks to their professional surgeons, provide you with the best and the safest surgical techniques and treatments; therefore, do not hesitate to consult us.

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