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Thyroid gland operations and all about it

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Thyroid gland operations

Thyroid gland operations and all about it

The thyroid gland is one of the important endocrine glands in the human body; it plays a prominent role in the secretion of growth and reproductive hormones. However, being affected by infectious diseases, this gland will not perform its function properly which necessitates performing a surgery. In the following article, Healing Consulting provides you with all necessary information about thyroid gland operations and other related treatments.


Thyroid gland operations

Thyroid gland surgeries is a set of various procedures treating thyroid gland diseases, such as gland enlargement, overactive thyroid, chronic inflammation, or benign and malignant tumors.

Types of Thyroid Gland Operations

There are many types of surgeries performed to treat a diseased thyroid gland.


This operation is performed as a surgical procedure for killing malignant tumor cells in the thyroid gland.

Thyroid Nodules Treatment

This procedure is performed to treat fluid-filled lumps formed in the thyroid that surgeons remove allowing the gland to perform its normal function properly.

Thyroid gland operations

Toxic Thyroid Procedure

Toxic thyroid nodule surgery is a type of thyroid surgery which treats hyperthyroidism that causes function disorders of the gland if it is left untreated.  

Thyroid Goiter Treatment

This type of procedure is performed to treat an enlarged thyroid gland or its chronic inflammation that both cause sore throat when swallowing, along with causing shortness of breath.

Surgical Thyroid gland operations

Before performing the operation, the patient undergoes a set of medical examinations, such as a blood test, X-ray imaging, or ultrasound, after which the surgery is performed in the neck through a surgical incision under general anesthesia. Moreover, in regard to other types of thyroid gland operation, as in Thyroidectomy and hemithyroidectomy procedures, tumors or cysts are removed. This procedure also involves removing all or part of the thyroid gland, along with removing part of the surrounding lymph nodes according to the decision of the doctor based on the type and size of the tumor.

Thyroid gland operations

It should be noted that using endoscopic surgery, in addition to modern techniques in various thyroid operations of most types is possible. Moreover, similar to any surgical procedure, the patient needs to stay in the hospital until complete recovery and take some medications to help regulate the function of the thyroid gland after its removal.
It is worth noting that Healing Consulting medical team makes tremendous efforts to successfully perform thyroid gland operations and other related treatments. We also provide patients with our free consulting service, so don’t hesitate to contact us.

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