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Vascular Surgery and All Information about it

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Vascular surgery

Vascular Surgery and All Information about it

Blood vessels are channels through which blood flows and is distributed to the tissues of the body parts. However, they can be affected by infectious diseases, resulting in disruption of their normal function, a condition that necessitates performing a surgery. However, is it an efficient treatment? In this article, Healing Consulting provides you with what you should know about vascular surgery and other related cardiac treatments.

heart aneurysm surgery

Vascular Diseases

Vascular diseases are numerous; including diseases affecting the arteries, veins, lymphatic vessels, and capillaries of the human body; interrupting their normal function of properly supplying the body with blood. These conditions eventually result in strokes, heart attacks and angina (ischemic chest pain) if left untreated. Other vascular diseases occur due to cases of expansion or inflammation of the blood vessels. Moreover, some vascular diseases are caused by the accumulation of fatty deposits in blood vessels resulting in atherosclerosis and vascular trauma, as in coronary artery disease. Furthermore, some infectious diseases cause swelling of the veins, as in varicose veins or arterial capillary, causing severe pain.  It should be noted that chest pain, shortness of breath, dizziness, and fainting, are critical signs and symptoms of vascular diseases that necessitate consulting a vascular doctor for an appropriate treatment.

Vascular Surgery

Vascular surgery is a surgical subspecialty aims to treat diseases that affect the blood vascular system, i.e. arteries, veins, and lymphatic vessels; diseases that do not seem to respond to drug treatment. In addition, vascular doctors and surgeons are able to treat all blood vessel diseases outside of the heart itself.

Vascular surgery

Causes of Vascular Surgery

There are many causes of vascular diseases that affect the arteries, veins, and capillaries. However, main vascular procedures are performed for treating cases of atherosclerosis, which is caused by the accumulation of deposits of fats in the arteries, such as coronary or carotid artery hardening. The surgery is also performed to protect the patient from blood clots and strokes, as in heart aneurysm surgery or repair. Moreover, it treats chronic venous disease, especially in cases of amputated limbs or vascular diseases affecting the lower extremity, such as treating varicose veins or vascular diseases affecting the internal organs of the body, especially the kidneys. This surgery has also been efficient at treating aneurysms, or vessel rupture and emergent severe bleeding cases in general, which occur due to accidents and injuries, along with repairing congenital vascular malformations.

The Surgical Process

The procedure of vascular surgery requires undergoing a set of medical examinations to ensure surgical readiness, along with having certain types of food and medicines, prescribed by the supervising physician.  Moreover, there are different types of procedures performed to treat vascular system diseases; in other words, the operation might be either a traditional surgery or a minimally invasive one depending on the diagnosis of each disease by the doctor. Furthermore, medical techniques used during the surgery are various; for example, catheters and balloons are used to expand arteries, as those used in heart cath surgery to treat cases of clogged arteries (Atherosclerosis) and stents to stabilize the expanded artery. Laser rays are also used to treat varicose veins, as in arterial capillary surgery procedure. Regardless of the procedure or treatment type, a hospital stay is required until recovery followed by applying post-operative instructions.

Vascular surgery

In short, vascular surgery regulates the blood flow in the arteries; thus, it allows the patient to enjoy a better and more active life. As the health of our patients is our priority, Healing Consulting medical team has been making great efforts to perform safe vascular surgeries efficiently and provide patients with the best medical care until recovery. We also offer our free consulting service to answer all inquiries in this regard, therefore, do not hesitate to contact us.

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